

The exhibition consists of 19 banners / Roll-ups,
format height / width 215 x 85 cm

exhibition book 112 pages in German, Bulgarian and English

exhibition film 45 min

Book and DVD are available for a nominal fee of 5.50 euros, plus shipping.


The exhibition can be borrowed for free.
The cost of transport, or shipping, installation and dismantling shall be borne by the tenant.



12.10.- 03.11.2012 Sofia Directorate of State Archives

25.11.2012 – 30.1.2013


Conference Hall of the party “SDS”
02.02.13 Sofia Seminar “school for democracy”
13.03.-05.04.2013 Berlin “Europe Hall” in Mossepalais

27.02.- 15.03.2013


Municipal House of Culture

03.06.- 15.06.2013

Stara Zagora Regional library

17.06.- 04.07.2013

Gabrovo Municipal House of Culture
03.08.- 25.08.2013 Burgas Municipal House of Culture
29.02.- 12.03.2014 EU Brüssel EU Parliament 
12.03.- 20.03.2014 Sofia parliament building
09.09.-30.09.2014 Plovdiv open air, center, pedestrian
09.09.-30.09.2014 Silistra Historical Museum
01.10. – 20.10.2014 Lovech (town with labor camp) Theatre Foyer
20.10. – 30.10.2014 Blagoevgrad American University
01.11.- 12.11.2014 Blagoevgrad South West University
24.10.- 10.11.2014 Münster community centre – Bennohaus
13.11.- 15.12.2014 Belene (town with labor camp) center of the Catholic Church
24.09.- 15.12.2015 Pernik, Radomir district administration,
Municipal House of Culture